Underwater Rugby

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So it’s 1.10 pm in the afternoon. It’s a beautiful Saturday afternoon and I’m quite tired and sleepy, my legs and arms ache and I still feel some water in my ears. It’s not as bad as it sounds.

So when I was in Sant Salvador I met this pretty cool girl named Eli. She plays for a local subaquatic rugby team here in Barcelona; I must say I was quite surprised when I heard about it. I had no idea such a sport could exist. So she invited my friend Beto and me to try it. And we did, yesterday.

I have to admit that I was interested, I couldn’t imagine the logistics or the training need for a sport like that. I’m not in shape nor fit and I have difficulties while running of hiking, I do yoga which is quite the opposite to what I was supposed to do in this new sport. While my hubby was driving me to the pool I thought: “What am I getting my self into?” I certainly thought I wasn’t going to like it and that by the end of that long hour I would be relieved cuz I won’t have to try that again. I promised that I would go and I couldn’t chicken out at the last minute. The pool is not close to my place, the training starts at 10 p.m. So after a long week of dealing with little rascals my head is usually about to explode andย  I only can think of having dinner and going to bed as soon as possible. But i was rather surprised when all those thoughts were drawn away by the cold water as I dived into the pool. Despite the fact of having no idea of what I was supposed to do I thought that my first day at subaquiatic rugby wasn’t that bad. I really had a good time, I had a blast actually and I loved it! I can’t hardly wait to try that again. I guess is good to try new things and defeat that laziness that sometimes kinda rules your daily routine…UV-rugby

Easter Break and SANSA

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Easter Break and SANSA

It’s been a while…

Ok, I don’t even want to say how long it has been since I last posted. Among trips, lots of work and stress I barely have had time fir myself. But just as I have to prepare class to go back to school again after a long and well-deserved Easter Break I’m taking a few minutes to write again.

So last week I had an awesome time with my hubby and friends Carlota and Beto. We went to Carlota’s flat on the beach and I must say that time there flies differently. It’s faster and slower at the same time. We had an awesome paella at a cute little restaurant next to the beach. We could see the waves dancing as we were enjoying ourselves and having that delicious paella. I got to meet some of Carlota’s friends who are awesome and I’m even gonna try sub-aquatic rugby next Friday. So as I prepare class and prepare myself to go back to the battlefield at school I think of those amazing days we spent together and at least I can say i really had the opportunity to disconnect from the stress that has been ruling my life lately.

We even practice some acro yoga at the beach and had a lot of fun! I’ve seen that when I’m relaxed I can do my asanas much better! We really had a blast!

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Etsy shop open!

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After the holidays and a couple of stressful months, I’m happy to open my shop again!
New goodies coming soon!


New goodies at my Etsy shop

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This Easter break I’ve been chilling and relaxing a bit, but I also worked on my shop a bit!

I’ve got new make up bags and customized patchwork pillow/cushion covers!

Here are some pics! Remember that if you follow this blog you can get a discount.


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MOMO -the newest member of our family-

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It’s been a while since I’ve last written on my blog. Work has kept me busy and I barely have time between yoga classes and teaching. I’ve also been traveling a lot with my husband, still no excuse.

I’ve been wanting to write this post for a month and finally today I took the time to do it! ๐Ÿ˜€ We adopted an adorable cat last month and I’m beyond happy! He is a cutie pie and so much fun! his name is Momo. I always considered myself as a dog-person, but I never imagine cats could be great pets too. We took him from the animal shelter and I’m happy we did, cuz if he hadn’t found us he would be in kitty heaven now! I’m all adopt and not buy now!

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10 Things About Living Abroad: No Turning Back

I know the feeling, been there done that 2 times

Packing 2.0

It’s been a while since I last posted on my blog. I missed it and I wanted to post, but I have so much going around right now that I don’t have time for crafts at all.

Among all things (yoga, school, private lessons, etc) I’m moving out next week. I must confess that I love my flat so much and I’m gonna miss it, but despite the mixed feelings I’m really looking forward to moving out to my new home.

First of all we will be able to adopt kitties!!!! I’ve wanted pets for a long time, and in this flat we weren’t allowed to have ’em. Then I will have a bigger studio for my own! Which I get to decorate as I want!!! I’m looking for cool ideas.
All well it’s closer to work so maybe I will have more time for posting! ๐Ÿ˜€

I must admit that I have packing… so far we’ve been packing for 2 days and jjeeeeeezzzzz we got stuff!!! I’ve found stuff to sell (cameras and old puple Mac) and we’ll wish me luck cuz I need it!

I’ll see you around! ๐Ÿ™‚




Els nous encants vells

I’ve always loved flea markets, and there’s one particular market here in Barcelona that I absolutely adore! It’s called “Els Encants Vells”

I’ve found here tons of objects and materials for my shop as well as good old books I never though I’d see again! From cloths to old LP, fabric, antiques, movies and sewing material, this market is one of my favorite places in the world.

I remember when I saw this awesome weird shoes!!! Image

I got this Polaroid which still works for 3 euros!


The awesome thing about this place is that you never find the same stuff. They always change the things! Most of the antiques are from old houses whose owners died and none claimed their belongings. At least their precious objects find a new home this way. I’d love to see all the hidden stories and secrets this valuable objects hide!

ImageI’ve also bought lots of video games and game-boys ๐Ÿ™‚




Well this wonderful place was placed into a bigger and modern spot last week, next to where it used to be. I went with my hubby to check it out last Saturday. And well I must say I prefer the old one. This new place is huge!!! It was packed! It was quite an experience to go through it!





I bought this classic from my childhood!

ImageAnd well I guess I’ll have to get used to the new encants! ๐Ÿ™‚




I need more time

Who hasn’t heard it before? I need more time

I need more hours in my days… Lot’s of people say that. I do need more time! Among teaching, yoga, chores and projects I barely have time for my crafting and blogging… ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

I wish I could organize my classes better but it’s not 100% up to me, some of my students (or should I say all of ’em) have quite different schedules.

I have to say that also the whole photo-shoot thing kept me pretty busy and focused. And even though we’re finish taking pics we were highly disappointed by someone who was supposed to help us with the final Photoshop details. That person was supposed to get payed and everything, is not that he was gonna make it as a favor or for free, but he wasn’t taking the job seriously enough and he ended up ruining the pretty pictures we made. Lame excuses were made and I must say that I expected much more from this guy (based on previous work he’s done).

Oh well, the good thing is that we found someone professional who is doing it right. I’m still a bit pissed because we wasted our precious time with the other guy… But there’s no point in wasting my energy on that…

I hope you’re enjoying the weekend! I’m trying! ๐Ÿ™‚ Image

It’s a wrap!!!! Photo shoot day 6

IT’S A WRAP!!! FINALLY!!! After another long week and weekend we are finally done with the photo-shoot… I’m beyond exhausted cuz I had a rough week at school and well thank God today I had the day off. I hate not writing on my blog every day, but I was very busy and tired. But now I’ll be a bit more relaxed ๐Ÿ™‚

Here’s another sneak peak!




