Book Cover & Murphy’s law

This week has been crazy and it’s just Wednesday!!!! OH GOD! I’ve got tons of work among logo design, photo shoot, preparing private lessons and all the material for tomorrow’s back to school activities at school.

I guess it’s back to reality time… I just hate Murphy’s law. I had basically nothing to do during the summer, and the suddenly I’ve got this huge amount of stuff to get done. The good thing is that I’ll start earning money again! Oh well!

Today was a long day, I got up quite early this morning, had breakfast and started with the photo shoot. It was cloudy and rainy and thank god for the lights we bought cuz I have no idea what we would have done if we didn’t had them. My eyes hurt (I suppose I shouldn’t be on the computer…) and I’ve got a headache, but at least I got pretty good pics. When I had no more good light to continue I finished a book cover for a Short Stories Compilation. I’m quite excited cuz this book will be printed next week! There are the two final options! I hope the navy background cover is the winner, it is my fav! What do you think?



About blankvzqz

I'm a little bit of everythig!

2 responses »

  1. Things will get back to normal soon, I’m sure.
    I love the cover! The colors are great and so is the typography!!


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